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Writer's pictureLayton Paislee


Updated: Mar 23, 2023

There are many Quantum Healing modalities out there. However QHHT® and BQH are two of the most known methods. So if you just arrived to this mystical corner of the world, trying to decide which modality to explore may be a bit overwhelming.

Even though I am a trained BQH Practitioner. I have done my research on both methods prior to becoming a Beyond Quantum Healer. The truth is when I began my journey I booked my very own QHHT® session and I loved every minute of it. I did this because Dolores Cannon wrote some of the very first "Woo Woo" books I picked up, when I discovered this part of the world. I actually had no idea there were other modalities out there.

So What exactly is QHHT®?

QHHT® is a form of Quantum Healing Hypnosis which uses a specific script to guide clients into a regressed state where they can connect with their Higher Self or subconscious mind. Through this connection, clients are able to get insight into personal issues. However QHHT® has some strict rules and guidelines around how a session can be performed.

  • Online or distance sessions are not permitted in a QHHT® session.

  • Practitioners are not allowed to provide advice or guidance during the session—all advice is to come from the Higher Self in a QHHT® session.

  • Practitioners with skills in other modalities are also not permitted to use those in their QHHT® sessions.

QHHT® was created by the famous Dolores Cannon. Dolores was a pioneer of her age and opened the door for so many people through her books and public speaking, I being one of them. She has pierced the veil of space and time by her use of regressive hypnosis. Dolores has regressed thousands of people discovering so much and beyond what we already thought we knew. She made us think and question our core beliefs. I know I am personally grateful for her time and research. She has had a real affect on my life and I am sure many others. Despite all this, please keep in mind, that because the books and her research are so popular, QHHT® is the first thing many people connect to in the quantum healing world.

Dolores Cannon passed away in 2014 which has locked her teachings in what could be described as a time box taped down with legalities and rules. QHHT® has no room to evolve or change with the needs of clients and our rapidly changing world.

The thing is, many practitioners are aware of QHHT® and its limiting rules and guidelines. You will actually find many practitioners are certified in both QHHT® and BQH. What I have heard many say in the forums and personal conversations, is QHHT® is more publicly known so it brings in more clients to them. The practitioners find advertising themselves on the QHHT® website is very beneficial. But remember many of these practitioners are actively practicing BQH.

Did you know BQH's founder Candace Craw-Goldman was Dolores Cannon's personal assistant, protégé, and the very first level 3 QHHT® practitioner. Candace helped Dolores create her courses.

Over the years, Candace's intuition guided her to a more free, open and expansive approach to Quantum Healing Hypnosis, which ended up turning into BQH.

So What exactly is BQH?

Like QHHT®, BQH is a form of Quantum Healing Hypnosis that connects a client with their higher self or subconscious mind in order to gain healing, insight, and guidance while answering the client's most pressing questions.

  • Both online and in-person sessions are permitted with BQH.

  • A deeper connection is made with the client during BQH through an intention doctrine and heart-based connection.

  • There are no rules to BQH, only techniques, training, and guidelines that the practitioner may choose to follow, if and when they feel inclined to do so.

  • BQH practitioners are encouraged to use their intuition when determining what to include in their sessions.

  • No specific script is required in a BQH session. Practitioners may even choose to use no script at all and flow freely straight from intuition.

Beyond Quantum Healing has no restrictions. Connecting across large distances has always been possible. Today we understand that physical distance is irrelevant in the quantum realm. Thoughts, energy, and intention can transcend any distance, unless a belief is present that contradicts it. In other words, if you believe that a session can be held online without issue, then it can. If you believe that it won't work or won't be safe, then that's exactly what you will manifest. So if you're someone who fears technology, or believes that distance can negatively affect the quality of a session, then it's better to seek out practitioners who offer in-person sessions. Its funny, but the more practitioners that do Beyond Quantum Healing sessions online, find that clients are simply just more comfortable in their own homes.

BQH has opened the doors to everyone around the world. People who do not have the means, or time to travel, can now experience quantum healing. People who are immobile due to illness or physical limitations, now can experience quantum healing. This type of Healing is safe and effective. You could spice things up and add reiki to a BQH session or Breathwork or whatever intuitively feels right to the practitioner and client. The possibilities are endless.

My point of writing this article is not to say that one is better than the other. You must ultimately follow your intuition on this. BQH and QHHT® are both wonderful modalities and have wonderful results. Both BQH and QHHT® work towards the same results-to connect you to simultaneous/past experiences and your higher self. However QHHT® is not THE way because Dolores Cannon created it. Also Don't think online sessions can not happen because Dolores Cannon advised against it. Dolores was human and held limiting beliefs.

What really matters is not the specific modality you choose, but the practitioner you decide to move forward with.

You may do a quick google search of Quantum Healers and find two practitioners that you feel drawn to. One practitioner is certified at level 3 QHHT®, with years of experience and a page full of testimonials. The second practitioner may be certified in BQH who just began a couple months ago with one testimonial.

After talking to both practitioners on the phone you feel a bit torn. Normally you would go with someone with more credentials, but something felt off to you in your discovery call with the level 3 QHHT® practitioner. On the other hand you had a great conversation with the BQH practitioner.

So who do you go with?

The choice is simple really. You must always go where your heart and excitement leads you. The practitioner who will give you the best experience will always be the person you had a stronger connection to.

Look Quantum Healing is not brain surgery. You do not need to practice for years on end to be considered qualified. Actually there are many individuals born to do this work and become successful very quickly. Basically experience isn't everything.

So don’t get too hung up about which modality is better. Focus on finding the right practitioner for you.

That said if you do have requirements that mean an online session is not only preferable but a necessity, you’ll sway more towards a BQH session. For instance there are so many people who are not within an acceptable driving distance to a QHHT practitioner. There just aren't enough of us yet. So internet has opened the door for so many people to received this type of healing.

The quantum world requires an open mind. Just be amazed and let go rigidity when entering.

If you feel like you resonate with BQH and you'd like to book an online session with me please send me an email at

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