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I love talking, reading, and hearing about everything "Woo-Woo." I am a Pho devotee and could eat it every night of the week if my husband would let me (leading with the apparent priorities here.) I like to call myself a yogi but can't touch my toes without bending my knees. You will occasionally find my head in the clouds dreaming about my next big move because my sun is ruled by Pisces. I have precognitive abilities, it's pretty cool. My lunar sign is in Libra, which means I thrive in a beautiful physical environment. I HAVE seen a fairy and it was fascinating! But most importantly I am a Beyond Quantum Healer, Mother, and Small Business Entrepreneur.


Now let's get cereal.


An about me section from a Spiritual Healer may look different than from let's say a lawyer or a doctor. An about me from a profession like those may include what schools they went to, what fraternities they were a part of, what internships they have participated in, and maybe even a very formal description of why they are doing what they are doing. Basically, if their about me put on an outfit, it would be along the lines of something you would wear to a job interview, very put together and slightly rigid. The energy of that about me would hold back and be full of control describing themselves in a way, that truly isn't them, just what they want you to see. However this is what society wants them to do, this is how one should be professional and that is ok for those careers. But ask yourself what are you looking for when it comes to healing. For example, if you want to lose weight, would you not look for guidance from someone who has done it themselves?


However the journey to becoming a Spiritual Healer is unique to each individual, but typically it isn't years of school, programs, internships, badges, and awards, no it's something very real. Something deeply moving and felt within all of us, an AHA moment of some sort. The force that causes the AHA moment is so different. Honestly, the colorful conversations you could potentially have with any Quantum Healer would probably stretch your mind in ways it has never been stretched before. Most importantly quantum healers come from a place of love, warmth, and a living experience!


I want to share my experience with you, so you can get to know me, relate to me, and even learn from me. Do you know that girl who reads a lot of books? Well, that’s me! In 2019 I became a mother and it's like a switch flipped on in my head, that I will never be able to turn off. I started to dive deep into the categories of life, researching anything on the topic of health. Following one breadcrumb to the next. I started to morph and fit into the label of whom some would term a crunchy mother. I researched nutrition, sleep behaviors, hazardous products to avoid, breastfeeding, natural birth, and where to spend my money ethically. After a while, I started to notice an underlying connection between everything. Once you get down to the root of health and push aside the glittery conveniences of our modern world. You will begin to find yourself going back to older ways. And once you are there you will start to notice something BIG and Powerful. Something that has always surrounded you, but for some reason you never noticed it before. Would you like me to tell you what I found that very big something to be? The answer is "Force" aka "Spirit Energy."


I truly believe I've always been guided to where I am now, it just took a while for all the pieces to click into place. And I know this puzzle hasn't fully revealed itself yet, there is still so much more to come.


The first book I ever read, that discussed spirituality, was the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. I believe this book to be so important for my journey, it really connected Science to what I have come to term the Woo-Woo world. Halfway through the book, I remember lifting my head and shouting to no one but myself "I GET IT NOW JESUS WAS A YOGI." The book had all these footnotes connecting science and spirituality, the proof was there. A book perfect for someone trained to think predominantly analytically (which most current schooling trains us for.) From there I began to dive down the rabbit hole, reading book after book, touching on all topics, from religion to memoirs to different healing modalities to extraterrestrials and to be honest I am still on this path of spending way too much money on books. I actually have an amazon cart full of over 250 books to eventually read.


Now there is a big piece of my story missing that is yet to be shared. I truly believe I have always been guided to my current destination. I truly believe I have always been a healer without even realizing it. I was born for this role and everything I have experienced, and every choice I have made, was planned before I took my first breath. So what was my life like before 2019?


  • 1991 - Was born to two damaged teen parents, with much of their own healing still needing to be done.

  • 1991-2009 -  Chaotic childhood. Witnessing lots of abuse in the relationships of my mother, father, and other family members. Experienced my own abuse. Father was never around and spent much of my life in and out of prison. I was very lonely because I spent much of my time alone as a child. My mom also had extreme anxiety and could be really mean.

  • 2010 - I left for university and succeeded at first with a 3.8 GPA, joined a sorority, joined a national honors fraternity and some would describe me as thriving

  • 2011 - The town I grew up in was torn apart by a massive tornado. Many people died. Some I knew very well. 

  • 2012 - Pulled out of university with a medical withdrawal. Moved back home. Things rapidly went downhill from there


In 2013 I desperately needed help and asked for it. I jumped on an airplane and was sent to my first rehabilitation center. I say first because I was sent to a total of Seven outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation centers. I also lived in a total of Three Sober living communities. By the end of all of it, I really wish I could tell you I was totally healed. I mean imagine how much all of that cost.


Now you are problem wondering what was my problem. Or even the typical question what was my drug of choice? For me though when I look back at everything, I was just a lonely little girl, looking for love in all the wrong places. Surrounding myself with other wounded souls, working together to disconnect from our feelings by whatever means possible. I am sure your imagination can take you there. I was just traumatized by wounds that were never addressed properly. For years I forcefully stuffed any uncomfortable feelings I had deeply within, and one day I found there was no more room to stuff. And I broke!


Going to rehab I participated in years and years of talk therapy. I not only saw therapists, and counselors but also psychiatrists. I was put on some medicine I never should have been put on, it just sent me spiraling backward on my journey. Around 2015, still going to therapy, I started to realize nothing was changing. You are told these efforts will fix you, to keep spending more money and to keep coming back. But from my experience, it was just an invitation to continue to play out the role of the victim. My conscious mind and ego were fully present inhibiting me in all of my costly sessions. I was still partying, I was in an abusive relationship and still behaving in all the ways I was before jumping on that plane to go to my first rehab. Still lonely. Still wounded. Still avoiding and disconnecting from all my feelings.


I remember one day walking away from my therapy session knowing I will never be going back. Look I am not saying that therapy hasn’t worked for anyone, or that there isn't a time and place for talk therapy, but I can confidently say everyone will get to a point where they just need more. Remember when I said everything is connected to Energy? That includes our emotions! Honestly, the real start to my healing began with Alcoholics Anonymous and the fifth step, “admitted to God, to oneself, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.” I finally was given an opportunity to see how I harmed myself and others through my own actions and behaviors. Rather than looking at my life through the lens of being a victim.


In 2020 I discovered Dolores Cannon and started to binge-read many of her books. Her books took the fifth step in a sense to a whole other dimension. I can't tell you how many AHA moments I had with my nose between the pages of her books. If you do not know who Dolores Cannon is, please look her up and get yourself one of her books. Curiously driven I decided to book my own QHHT session (Past Life Regression) and ever since I have been hooked. I have found more healing for myself in such a short amount of time than I have with any other modality. I discovered who I truly was. I rediscovered how to love myself and others again. I rediscovered how powerful I really am. I was able to feel feelings I have stuffed down for so long and just by doing that I was able to move forward. Also for the first time, I was able to witness my conscious mind move out of the way and allow messages from my subconscious to move forward. After my session, a huge weight was lifted, and I felt much lighter. I sat in this awe for a long time and decided to make a soulful agreement of imparting Love to all whom I encounter. Basically, I decided to return to love. I've been living in a place of fear for so long.


Now here I am coming before you today with a full heart. I am here telling you that you can discover these things for yourself. You can heal yourself. You are powerful. Whether it's opening a book, watching someone else's session on YouTube, finding a quantum healer you resonate with, or booking a session with me. Beyond Quantum Healing is an amazing modality that has helped so many.


What I do is I take seekers through a deep conscious journey and spiritual exploration. I use elements of Hypnosis and Past Life Regression. My clients go to a dreamlike state where they are able to communicate deeply with their highest self and consciousness. By doing this you will receive your own inner guidance regarding healing and personal/spiritual growth. I offer my sessions online so you can experience this in the comfort of your own home.


In-person sessions are currently available in and around the area of Bucerias, Mexico. 


Please do not hesitate to reach out and ask any questions. 



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